
"suicide bomber" in Spanish

"suicide bomber" in Spanish
We need to distinguish between the suicide bomber and his or her recruiter.
Tenemos que diferenciar entre el terrorista suicida y la persona que le recluta.
The female suicide bomber is a striking example of the complexity of this issues, and a phenomenon that deserves further study.
La terrorista suicida femenina es un sorprendente ejemplo de la complejidad de estas cuestiones y un fenómeno que merece un estudio más profundo.
Nobody is born a suicide bomber, nobody is born a terrorist.
Nadie nace kamikaze, nadie nace terrorista.

Similar translations for "suicide bomber" in Spanish
Context examples for "suicide bomber" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We need to distinguish between the suicide bomber and his or her recruiter.
Tenemos que diferenciar entre el terrorista suicida y la persona que le recluta.
He was an unrepentant terrorist who introduced to the world the horror of the human suicide bomber.
Fue un terrorista impenitente que introdujo en el mundo el horror de los atentados suicidas.
This is against the backdrop of a suicide bomber in Moscow last week killing six innocent civilians.
Esto con el telón de fondo de un atentado suicida en Moscú la semana pasada que mató a seis civiles inocentes.
The female suicide bomber is a striking example of the complexity of this issues, and a phenomenon that deserves further study.
La terrorista suicida femenina es un sorprendente ejemplo de la complejidad de estas cuestiones y un fenómeno que merece un estudio más profundo.