
"suburbio" in English

"suburbio" in English
También estuve en un suburbio industrial del norte de Milán.
I was also in a northern industrial suburb in Milan.
Vimos de primera mano la furia y el disgusto de los serbios en un suburbio de Pristina llamado Kosovo Polje.
We saw at first hand the anger and upset of Serbs in a suburb of Pristina called Kosovo Polje.
Hace unos años el debate sobre la PESD giró alrededor de la ubicación y el personal de una pequeña célula de planificación en un suburbio de Bruselas.
Just a few years ago the debate on ESDP revolved around the location and staffing of a small planning cell in a suburb of Brussels.

Context examples for "suburbio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Vimos de primera mano la furia y el disgusto de los serbios en un suburbio de Pristina llamado Kosovo Polje.
Since then, the international community has spent EUR 2 billion – not including defence costs – to try to rebuild Kosovo.
Se trabaja por la paz cada vez que se reduce la desconfianza en el seno de una familia, de una comunidad, de un barrio, entre el suburbio y el centro, entre dos pueblos.
We are working for peace each time we restore confidence in a family, in a community, in a neighborhood, in downtown or in suburban areas, or between two countries.