
"truenos" in English

"truenos" in English
truenos{masculine plural}
thunder{noun} [meteo.]
O [la parábola] de una violenta tormenta, con tinieblas, truenos y relámpagos.
Or like a storm-cloud from the sky, wherein is darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers in their ears at the thunder-clap, for fear of death, for Allah encompasses the disbelievers.
¿oíste los truenos?
did you hear the thunder?
Casi podrás oír el bramar de los truenos junto con las electrizantes imágenes de relámpagos contenidas en este tema gratuito de Windows7.
You can almost hear the thunder boom along with the electrifying lightning images contained in this free Windows7 theme.
truenos{masculine plural}
se oyó un trueno espantoso
there was a tremendous crash of thunder
un trueno
a clap of thunder
un trueno
a peal of thunder
Lo que acaba de suceder no ha sido un trueno francés o neerlandés en un cielo europeo sereno.
What has just happened is not a French or Dutch thunderclap in a clear European sky.
O [la parábola] de una violenta tormenta, con tinieblas, truenos y relámpagos.
Or like a storm-cloud from the sky, wherein is darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers in their ears at the thunder-clap, for fear of death, for Allah encompasses the disbelievers.

Context examples for "truenos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿oíste los truenos?
did you hear the thunder?
¡rayos y truenos!
great Scott!