
"tintorera" in English

"tintorera" in English
Ya disponíamos de datos científicos cuando se aprobó el Reglamento, en particular sobre la tintorera.
Scientific information was already available at the time the regulation was adopted, especially as regards the blue shark.
El considerando 3 implica incorrectamente que el CIEM y la CICAA apoyan un aumento del porcentaje aletas/peso vivo para la tintorera.
Paragraph 3 of the report incorrectly implies that ICES and ICCAT support an increase in fin- to live-weight ratio for the blue shark.
El considerando 3 implica incorrectamente que el CIEM y la CICAA apoyan un aumento del porcentaje aletas/ peso vivo para la tintorera.
Paragraph 3 of the report incorrectly implies that ICES and ICCAT support an increase in fin- to live-weight ratio for the blue shark.
blue shark{noun} [ichtyol.]
Ya disponíamos de datos científicos cuando se aprobó el Reglamento, en particular sobre la tintorera.
Scientific information was already available at the time the regulation was adopted, especially as regards the blue shark.
El considerando 3 implica incorrectamente que el CIEM y la CICAA apoyan un aumento del porcentaje aletas/peso vivo para la tintorera.
Paragraph 3 of the report incorrectly implies that ICES and ICCAT support an increase in fin- to live-weight ratio for the blue shark.
El considerando 3 implica incorrectamente que el CIEM y la CICAA apoyan un aumento del porcentaje aletas/ peso vivo para la tintorera.
Paragraph 3 of the report incorrectly implies that ICES and ICCAT support an increase in fin- to live-weight ratio for the blue shark.

Context examples for "tintorera" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Según dicho informe, el ratio aplicado a la tintorera o está equivocado.
According to that report, the ratio applied to Prionacea glauca is wrong.