
"suicidarse" in English

"suicidarse" in English
to top oneself {r. v.} [Brit.] [slg.] (commit suicide)
Por tanto, ahora lo que queda de este hombre ha sido llevado a juicio por intentar suicidarse.
So now this shadow of a man is on trial because he attempted to commit suicide.
Cada cuarenta segundos alguien se quita la vida en el mundo, y cada tres, alguien intenta suicidarse.
Every 40 seconds, someone in the world commits suicide, and every 3 seconds someone attempts to commit suicide.
Ha habido casos en los que jóvenes se han visto impulsados a suicidarse por plataformas y comunidades web de este tipo.
There have been cases where young people have been driven to commit suicide by web platforms and web communities of this kind.

Context examples for "suicidarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los datos en Estonia indican que dos tercios de las prostitutas han pensado en suicidarse.
Estonian data indicate that two-thirds of prostitutes have considered suicide.
Por tanto, ahora lo que queda de este hombre ha sido llevado a juicio por intentar suicidarse.
So now this shadow of a man is on trial because he attempted to commit suicide.
Cada cuarenta segundos alguien se quita la vida en el mundo, y cada tres, alguien intenta suicidarse.
Every 40 seconds, someone in the world commits suicide, and every 3 seconds someone attempts to commit suicide.
El número de personas que intentan suicidarse es diez veces mayor.
Ten times that number attempt suicide.
Si usted quiere suicidarse energéticamente, es usted libre de hacerlo, pero el sacrificio ha de ser individual.
If you want to commit energy suicide, you are free to do so, but your sacrifice must be an individual one.
Hoy he descargado información de uno de estos sitios, en el que figuraban múltiples recomendaciones sobre cómo suicidarse.
I today downloaded information from one such site, which gave multiple advice on how to commit suicide.
En su desesperada situación, Zapata sintió que la única puerta abierta que le quedaba era suicidarse mediante huelga de hambre.
In his hopeless situation, Zapata felt the only option open to him was to kill himself by hunger strike.
Ha habido casos en los que jóvenes se han visto impulsados a suicidarse por plataformas y comunidades web de este tipo.
There have been cases where young people have been driven to commit suicide by web platforms and web communities of this kind.
Cada cuarenta segundos alguien se quita la vida en el mundo, y cada tres, alguien intenta suicidarse.
It is hard to admit that the number of people suffering from mental illness is increasing even at a time when mental healthcare is seemingly improving.
Varios han intentado suicidarse.
Several have attempted suicide.
Algunos llegaron a suicidarse.
A few even took their own lives.
Si usted quiere suicidarse energéticamente, es usted libre de hacerlo, pero el sacrificio ha de ser individual.
Furthermore, we must maintain and enhance, at European level, research and development in new energy sources and achieve more efficient use of those we already have.
Situaciones persistentes de injusticia o de humillación alimentan, a menudo, el odio fanático que conduce a los seres humanos a atacar a otros y a suicidarse.
The fanatical hatred that leads human beings to attack others and to commit suicide is often fed by ongoing situations of injustice or humiliation.
Se echó toda la culpa a los marineros griegos y filipinos, que están recibiendo un tratamiento inaceptable en la cárcel y uno de ellos intentó suicidarse el otro día.
All the blame was laid at the feet of the Greek and Filipino seamen, who are receiving unacceptable treatment in prison and one of whom attempted the other day to commit suicide.
Hatzidakis sobre los marineros griegos que intentaron suicidarse, hay un lado tragicómico o triste: allí el intento de suicidio es un delito penal.
In addition to what Mr Hatzidakis said about the Greek seaman who tried to commit suicide, there is the following tragicomic or sad fact: attempted suicide is a criminal offence there.