
"spotlessly" in Spanish

"spotlessly" in Spanish
impecable{adj. m/f}
I have never assumed anything other than that the honourable Member had an absolutely spotless, unblemished record in all respects.
Nunca he asumido nada que no fuera que su Señoría tiene un expediente absolutamente impecable e intachable en todos los sentidos.
inmaculado{adj.} (superficie)
the mystery of the Church as “the Spotless Bride of the Spotless Lamb”,
más eficazmente el misterio de la Iglesia « Esposa Inmaculada
I believe that unfortunately you have a small, but growing black spot on your otherwise spotless reputation.
Creo que lamentablemente tienen una pequeña pero creciente mancha en su reputación que de otro modo sería intachable.
I have never assumed anything other than that the honourable Member had an absolutely spotless, unblemished record in all respects.
Nunca he asumido nada que no fuera que su Señoría tiene un expediente absolutamente impecable e intachable en todos los sentidos.

Synonyms (English) for "spotless":
Context examples for "spotlessly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
they left the house spotlessly clean
dejaron la casa como los chorros del oro
he left the house spotlessly clean
dejó la casa pulcramente limpia