
"sleepless" in Spanish

"sleepless" in Spanish
all those sleepless nights will take their toll
los efectos de tantas noches sin dormir se van a hacer sentir luego

Synonyms (English) for "sleepless":
Context examples for "sleepless" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Perhaps the Commission's opinion on the amendments may yet cause her a sleepless night.
Es posible que el juicio de la Comisión sobre las enmiendas le haga pasar una mala noche.
all those sleepless nights will take their toll
los efectos de tantas noches sin dormir se van a hacer sentir luego
she looked very much the worse for wear after the sleepless night
se le notaban los efectos de la noche en vela
she looked very much the worse for wear after the sleepless night
se veía muy desmejorada tras la noche en vela
I sometimes wish that the politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina had as many sleepless nights as I do when they think of their country.
A veces quisiera que los políticos de Bosnia y Herzegovina pasaran tantas noches en vela como yo cuando piensen sobre su país.
I had a sleepless night
pasé la noche en blanco
Instead of spirit, we are going to end up with ghosts and sleepless nights because, in reality, commitments are not being fulfilled.
Porque, al final, lo que vamos a tener, en vez de espíritu, son fantasmas y noches de insomnio, porque lo que ocurre es que no se cumplen los compromisos.
sleepless nights
noches de desvelo
But the great success of the tackling of foot-and-mouth disease by the British government is causing many farmers in continental Europe sleepless nights once again.
Pero este gran éxito del enfoque de la fiebre aftosa vuelve a causar a muchos granjeros del continente europeo noches de insomnio.
The fact that people became sleepless and stressed out and that their hearing became damaged, seemed to take second place to economic growth.
El hecho de que la gente sufriera insomnio y estrés, y que su capacidad auditiva se viera dañada, se consideraba menos importante que el crecimiento económico.
Since last week, President Milosevic is now facing justice in The Hague - a fact which is now giving many other dictators and autocrats sleepless nights.
El hecho de que el Sr. Milosevic se encuentre en La Haya ante el Tribunal hace que muchos dictadores y autócratas duerman peor desde la última semana.