
"slating" in Spanish

pizarra{f} [film&tv]
The architects specified slate.
Los arquitectos han elegido la pizarra.
As a well-known song says, you want to make the past a blank slate, or at least send the CAP and the budget back to the drawing board.
Como dice una canción muy conocida, quiere hacer del pasado una pizarra en blanco, o al menos enviar la PAC y el presupuesto de vuelta a la mesa de dibujo.

Synonyms (English) for "slate":
Context examples for "slating" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is clear that the initiators of the resolution are more concerned with slating the organisation of Euro 2000.
Los promotores de la iniciativa pretenden criticar claramente la organización de la EURO 2000.
For as long as we have policies like this in the European Union, we will carry on seeing headlines slating European policy.
Pero mientras tengamos políticas como esta en la Unión Europea, seguiremos viendo titulares con duras críticas a la política europea.