
"slater" in Spanish

The architects specified slate.
Los arquitectos han elegido la pizarra.
As a well-known song says, you want to make the past a blank slate, or at least send the CAP and the budget back to the drawing board.
Como dice una canción muy conocida, quiere hacer del pasado una pizarra en blanco, o al menos enviar la PAC y el presupuesto de vuelta a la mesa de dibujo.

Synonyms (English) for "slater":
Context examples for "slater" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I was fortunate to have an opportunity to talk with Under-Secretary Slater yesterday along with a number of my other colleagues.
Tuve la suerte de poder hablar ayer con el Subsecretario Slater junto con otros colegas.
The last took place on Monday, with Mr Slater.
La última, el lunes pasado, con el Sr. Slater.
Every one of us would want to welcome the small indication of progress that comes after the meetings with Secretary of State Slater and Ambassador Morningstar.
A todos sin excepción nos gustaría poder saludar un ligera señal de progreso al final de las reuniones con el Secretario de Estado Slater y el embajador Morningstar.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Hatzidakis asked me who we are negotiating with and Mrs Jackson reminded us of the meeting they have had with Mr Slater, the Secretary of State for Transport.
Señorías, me preguntaba el Sr. Hatzidakis que con quién negociamos y la Sra. Jackson recordaba la reunión que han tenido con el Secretario de Transporte Sr. Slater.