
"sillita" in English

"sillita" in English
pushchair{noun} [Brit.]
stroller{noun} [Amer.] (pushchair)
baby buggy{noun} [TM]
Tendrá que subirse en una silla, que es giratoria, para poder ver este aparato desde arriba.
You would have to stand on a chair, a swivel chair, to be able to look down on the top of this machine.
¿Vais a educarlos poniéndolos en la silla eléctrica?
Are you going to educate them by putting them in the electric chair?
Casi me caigo de la silla cuando la ponente se ha referido al Libro Verde como si fuera algo positivo.
I nearly fell off my chair when the rapporteur actually referred to the Green Paper as a positive thing.
saddle{noun} (on horse)
se montó en la silla de un salto
he swung himself into the saddle
silla de cordero
saddle of lamb
se montó en la silla de un salto
she swung up into the saddle
saddle{noun} (cut of meat)
se montó en la silla de un salto
he swung himself into the saddle
silla de cordero
saddle of lamb
se montó en la silla de un salto
she swung up into the saddle