
"senador" in English

"senador" in English
senator{noun} [pol.]
Señor Presidente, la oradora anterior se ha referido al Senador Jesse James.
Mr President, the previous speaker mentioned Senator Jesse James.
El senador Michael también puso de relieve este aspecto de la cuestión en su informe.
Senator Mitchell in his report also emphasized this point.
El senador Yves Dauge, como persona cualificada, se mantiene como presidente de la asociación.
And senator Yves Dauge, as a qualified person, will go on in his role as president of the association.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "senador":
Context examples for "senador" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, como solía decir el difunto Senador Tip O'Neill: »Todo lo que es política, es local».
Mr President, as the late Tip O'Neill said: ' All politics is local' .
Señor Presidente, como solía decir el difunto Senador Tip O'Neill:» Todo lo que es política, es local».
Mr President, as the late Tip O'Neill said: ' All politics is local '.
el senador se cuidó de comprometerse
the senator was cautious about committing himself
concurro con el senador en dos puntos
I agree with the senator on two points
El senador McCain estuvo acertado al presentar una enmienda para definir de manera más precisa las normas que deben regir los interrogatorios.
The United States of America is still the EU Member States’ biggest ally, and nothing has been proven as yet.
es senador por Canarias
he's a senator for the Canary Islands
el senador John Doe
Senator John Doe
Señor Presidente, el senador Calderoli está en lo cierto al afirmar que nuestra intención real era ayudar al Presidente Prodi.
Having said that, as a representative of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, it is a matter of pride to me that no one in my group signed this motion.
El senador dijo que sin John Hume no habría habido realmente ningún proceso de paz, y respecto a David Trimble observó que sin él no habría habido ningún acuerdo de paz.
He said that without John Hume there would truly have been no peace process, and of David Trimble he remarked that without David Trimble there would have been no peace agreement.