
"salpicar" in English

Sin embargo, tenemos que asegurarnos de que nuestra historia común está salpicada de más actos como la reciente cumbre de Samara.
We must, however, make sure that our common history is punctuated by more events like the recent Samara summit.
A partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la historia ha estado salpicada de intervenciones preventivas unilaterales por parte de las grandes potencias.
Ever since the Second World War, history has been punctuated by unilateral pre-emptive interventions by the great powers.
La Presidenta sueca quedará marcada sobre todo por las provocaciones policiales que salpicaron la Cumbre de Gotemburgo.
The Swedish presidency will be marked mainly by the provocative police actions that punctuated the Gothenburg summit.
to splosh {v.i.} (water, paint)
salpicar algo de algo
to bespatter sth with sth
Los deseos piadosos salpican la resolución.
The resolution is dotted with pipe dreams.
to splash {v.t.}
Para apagar las llamas, desliza el dedo por el agua hacia las llamas para causar el efecto de salpicado.
To douse the flames, slide your finger along the water toward the flames, causing a splash effect.
salpicar algo de algo
to pepper sth with sth
Una serie de incidentes ha salpicado esta reunión debido a la negación de violaciones de los derechos humanos, que, sin embargo, Amnistía Internacional había comprobado.
Some incidents caused the meeting to be peppered with denials of human rights violations, although these had been proven by Amnesty International.

Context examples for "salpicar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el escándalo llegó a salpicar a todos los directivos
all the members of the board were implicated in the scandal
Bueno, porque son animales preciosos y porque ver su sangre salpicar el hielo blanco no es muy agradable.
Well, because they are beautiful animals and because watching their blood being spilt on white ice is not very nice.
te vas a salpicar la camisa de aceite
you'll get oil over your shirt
salpicar algo de algo
to bespatter sth with sth
salpicar algo de algo
to interlard sth with sth
salpicar algo de algo
to pepper sth with sth
salpicar algo de algo
to lard sth with sth