
"relativizar" in English

"relativizar" in English

Context examples for "relativizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pueden ustedes relativizar esta cantidad con la aportación de sus propios países.
You may compare that figure in terms of the population of your own country.
Por último, deberíamos relativizar las controversias, como ha intentado hacer el Sr.
Finally, we should put disputes in perspective, as the Commissioner has sought to do.
Se utilizan numerosas estratagemas para relativizar el pasado del comunismo.
Many ruses are being used to relativise communism's past.
Por lo tanto, conviene relativizar estos problemas del cobre o del plomo en el agua potable.
We really should consider these problems of copper and lead in drinking water much more in their context.
También en este caso, hay que relativizar las cosas.
Here too, we need to adopt a more relative or qualified approach.
Imaginémosnos todo lo que hemos logrado para relativizar la crítica sobre lo que aún no se ha hecho.
We focus on what we have achieved so that criticism of what has not yet been done will be made relative.
Se trata de valores que son sencillamente incuestionables y, además, no se pueden relativizar.
We are talking about values that are quite simply beyond dispute and which cannot be treated in relative terms.
Nada justifica relativizar el valor de la vida humana.
Nothing justifies relativising the value of human life.
Para terminar, señor Presidente, existe una jerarquía de problemas: será necesario, pues, relativizar las medidas.
Finally, Mr President, problems have their hierarchy and we must set things out in relative terms.
Pese a ese esfuerzo, pese a ese beneplácito, nos vemos obligados a relativizar nuestras felicitaciones.
In spite of this effort, in spite of this applause, we are all the same forced to put our compliments into perspective.
Esto da también motivo, en mi opinión, para relativizar de alguna forma las objeciones que el ponente enumera en su informe.
To my mind, this makes the reservations which the rapporteur mentions in his report somewhat relative.
Nunca podrá hacer lo suficiente para relativizar sus valores en nombre de la tolerancia y del llamado "derecho a la diferencia".
It can never do enough to compromise its values in the name of tolerance and the so-called 'right to difference'.
Pero, por otro lado -sin intención de relativizar los datos-, hemos escuchado también voces en el sentido de que el Gobierno desea esforzarse.
Without wanting to qualify that information, however, we have also heard it said that the government definitely wants to make efforts in that direction.
Nadie puede poner en duda que millones de personas sucumbieron a la dictadura estalinista, pueblos enteros fueron desplazados y nadie puede exonerar o relativizar esos hechos.
No one can dispute that millions fell victim to the Stalinist dictatorship, entire peoples were dislocated, and no one can exonerate or relativise that.
Esta política debiera relativizar el frío monetarismo del BCE y romper con los principios neoliberales de privatización y cuestionamiento de la protección social.
Such a policy should bring the overcautious monetarism of the ECB into perspective and should break with the neo-liberal principles of privatisation and undermining social protection.
Respecto a las importaciones masivas de carne a Europa desearía relativizar algo el concepto de "masivas" pues en la Unión Europea se importa relativamente poca carne de vacuno.
As far as massive imports of meat into Europe are concerned, I would qualify the term "massive" somewhat, because relatively little beef is imported into the European Union.
En tercer lugar, la lógica no obliga a no relativizar la sustancia de las medidas, ya que de otro modo se estaría poniendo en cuestión el principio de estricta legalidad penal.
Thirdly, there is the logic according to which it is impossible to adapt the nature of measures, otherwise the principle of strict penal legality will be called into question.
Una cuestión que estos días ha vuelto a relativizar el Presidente Jiang Zemin, que ha hablado de diferencias de derechos dependiendo del lugar del planeta en que nos encontremos.
A question which has been made even more relevant in recent days by President Jiang Zemin, who has spoken of the differences of rights depending on where one is on the planet.
Respecto a las importaciones masivas de carne a Europa desearía relativizar algo el concepto de " masivas " pues en la Unión Europea se importa relativamente poca carne de vacuno.
As far as massive imports of meat into Europe are concerned, I would qualify the term " massive " somewhat, because relatively little beef is imported into the European Union.
¿Los populistas disfrazados de demócratas que, al debilitar las instituciones democráticas y relativizar el principio democrático, crean el entorno más favorable para los extremistas?
The populists disguised as democrats who, by weakening the democratic institutions and relativising the democratic principle, create the most favourable environment for extremists?