
"pío" in English

"pío" in English
pío{adjective masculine}
piar{transitive verb}
el pío, pío del canario
the peep, peep of the canary
— ¡ni pío!
— not a peep
no has dicho ni pío en toda la tarde
we haven't heard a peep out of you all afternoon
tweet{noun} (bird sound)
pío{adjective masculine}
Por tal motivo, apropiándonos de las palabras del pío hebreo referidas a Jerusalén, también nosotros podemos decir que todos hemos nacido aquí.
Therefore, by appropriating the words of the pious Hebrew referred to Jerusalem, we too can say we were all born here.
De hecho, se necesitará, además de voluntad, finas palabras y pías esperanzas, verdaderas acciones que cuestionen nuestro estilo de vida actual.
In fact, it will take not only volition, fine words and pious hopes, but also genuine action which challenges our present lifestyle.
Las cifras que nos ha expuesto no tienen la menor relación ni con las pías declaraciones sobre Lisboa como medio de renovación, ni con el gran potencial económico que debemos reconstruir.
The figures it has quoted to us bear no relation either to the pious utterance about Lisbon as a means of renewal or to the great economic potential that we have to rebuild.
piar(also: sonar)
to peep[peeped · peeped] {v.i.} (make high-pitched sound)

Context examples for "pío" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pío Murat OFMCap, que han presidido la santa Misa en distintos días.
Pius Murat, OFMCap, all who took turn to preside the Mass during these days.
todavía el llamamiento que el Papa Pío XII, de venerable memoria,
can still appreciate the stern warning which Pope Pius XII of venerable memory
(1930) de Pío XI,12 numerosos discursos de Pío XII,13 la Encíclica
mention is due to the Encyclical Casti Connubii (1930) of Pius XI,12
negotiis ecclesiasticis regni Galliarium, instituida por Pío VI
Regni Galliarum, set up by Pius VI with the Constitution Sollicitudo
(13) Pío XII, Discurso al Congreso de la Unión católica
(13) Pius XII, Allocution to the Congress of the Catholic Union of Italian
la reforma efectuada por Pío X con la constitución apostólica
effected by Pius X with the Apostolic Constitution Sapienti Consilio
entre la Rerum Novarum y la Quadragesimo Anno de Pío XI, las
the period between Rerum Novarum and Pius XI's Quadragesimo Anno the
La Reforma de San Pío X en 1908 confirmó esta responsabilidad.
The 1908 reform by St. Pius X confirmed this responsibility.
Pío XII seguía en esto las huellas del Papa
Let them begin negotiations anew" (11). Pius XII was here
El 19 de julio de 1814 Pío VII creó la Sagrada
On 19 July 1814, Pius VII established the Sacred Congregation for
La trabeculectomía es una forma de tratamiento para el glaucoma, con el objetivo de disminuir la presión intraocular (PIO).
Trabeculectomy is performed as a treatment for glaucoma to lower the intraocular pressure (IOP).
sobre todo a partir del pontificado de Pio XI.
especially from the pontificate of Pius XI.
no dijo ni pío durante toda la reunión
he didn't say a word throughout the whole meeting
no has dicho ni pío en toda la tarde
we haven't heard a peep out of you all afternoon
Rom 12, 5), a la cual se refería Pío XII en su histórica encíclica; entra en las dimensiones del Pueblo de Dios, según las referencias del Concilio.
It is also found in the notion of the People of God, to which the Council made reference.
— ni pío
any messages from New York? — not a squeak
— ¡ni pío!
any news from your brother? — not a peep
En efecto, la subsidiariedad procede de la obra del Papa Pío IX y, por ende, de un enemigo del enfoque de Benthan sobre la ley.
Subsidiarity, indeed, comes from the work of Pope Pius IX and therefore from an enemy of the Benthamite approach to law.
no has dicho ni pío en toda la tarde
you haven't said a word all afternoon
no ha dicho ni pío en todo el día
he's been as quiet as a mouse all day