
"puppets" in Spanish

When we visited, the camp had been cleared and the detainees replaced by puppets.
Cuando fuimos allí, el campo había sido vaciado y los detenidos habían sido sustituidos por marionetas.
Have we become puppets too?
¿Nos hemos convertido también nosotros en marionetas?
It is not a good strategy to portray those who disagree with you as selling out or as being puppets.
No es una buena estrategia tachar a quienes no están de acuerdo contigo de traidores o marionetas.
títeres{m pl}
This shows, moreover, just how problematic, if not, as we might more accurately say, impossible, it is to implement a common foreign policy through pathetic puppets such as Solana.
Esta es la dificultad, por no decir, con mayor precisión, la falta de viabilidad de la política exterior común con miserables títeres como Solana.
He does not like to see himself portrayed on the television by a glove puppet with jokes being made at his expense.
No le gusta verse representado en televisión por un títere ni que se hagan bromas a su costa.
President Lukashenka has dissolved the democratically elected parliament and installed a puppet parliament.
El presidente Lukashenko ha disuelto el Parlamento democráticamente elegido y designado un parlamento títere.
Choosing puppets as your partners in talks has never been effective and has never led to peace.
Utilizar interlocutores títere jamás ha dado resultado y nunca ha conducido a la paz.
fantoche{m} (títere)
puppet president
presidente fantoche
hombre de paja{m} (en política)
pelele{m} (persona manipulada)
he's a puppet controlled by the military
es el pelele de los militares
Georgia in particular has regrettably proved on many occasions to be a puppet of Moscow.
Georgia, en especial, se ha revelado, lamentablemente, muchas veces como una marioneta de Moscú.
If the UN continues to be a puppet, we should cease funding its human rights activities.
Si las Naciones Unidas siguen siendo una marioneta, debemos dejar de financiar sus actividades.
(ET) Yesterday a Hungarian puppet show opened in Parliament.
(ET) Ayer se presenció en el Parlamento un espectáculo de marionetas húngaras.
maniquí{m/f} [fig.]

Synonyms (English) for "puppet":
Context examples for "puppets" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They intend to use some puppets, and display ostriches; it will not be violent or disruptive, and it will certainly not be aggressive.
Pero, quién sabe, podría, en combinación con otros, haber hecho un esfuerzo importante para impedirnos trabajar.