
"marionetas" in English

"marionetas" in English
marionetas{feminine plural}
marionetas{feminine plural}
Cuando fuimos allí, el campo había sido vaciado y los detenidos habían sido sustituidos por marionetas.
When we visited, the camp had been cleared and the detainees replaced by puppets.
¿Nos hemos convertido también nosotros en marionetas?
Have we become puppets too?
No es una buena estrategia tachar a quienes no están de acuerdo contigo de traidores o marionetas.
It is not a good strategy to portray those who disagree with you as selling out or as being puppets.
Es the Gunstringer, una marioneta de esqueleto de cowboy reclamando venganza.
He's the Gunstringer — a skeleton cowboy marionette out for bloody vengeance.
¿O acaso soy una marioneta?
Am I a puppet; are we marionettes?
puppet{noun} (marionette)
Georgia, en especial, se ha revelado, lamentablemente, muchas veces como una marioneta de Moscú.
Georgia in particular has regrettably proved on many occasions to be a puppet of Moscow.
Si las Naciones Unidas siguen siendo una marioneta, debemos dejar de financiar sus actividades.
If the UN continues to be a puppet, we should cease funding its human rights activities.
(ET) Ayer se presenció en el Parlamento un espectáculo de marionetas húngaras.
(ET) Yesterday a Hungarian puppet show opened in Parliament.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "marioneta":
Context examples for "marionetas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
... o que manifiesten qué son, es decir, diputados libremente elegidos a esta Asamblea y no un teatro de marionetas.
... or else to acknowledge what you are, namely freely elected Members of this House and not a Punch and Judy show!
Su programa "Marionetas" , basado en "Spitting Images" de Gran Bretaña, ridiculiza al Presidente, cosa que, al parecer, le irrita sobremanera.
His programme Dolls, based on Britain's Spitting Image, satirises the President, something which supposedly causes him great irritation.
Su programa " Marionetas ", basado en " Spitting Images " de Gran Bretaña, ridiculiza al Presidente, cosa que, al parecer, le irrita sobremanera.
His programme Dolls, based on Britain's Spitting Image, satirises the President, something which supposedly causes him great irritation.
Sin embargo, soy consciente de que somos las marionetas de una campaña política de alarmismo de izquierdas y liberal y quizá ya no importe la forma que adopte finalmente la propia ley.
I am aware, however, that we are players in a hysteria-mongering left-liberal political campaign, and what form the law itself will eventually take is perhaps no longer of any significance.