
"pintada" in English

guinea fowl{noun} [gastro.]
graffito{noun} [form.]
piece of grafitti{noun} (mainly political)
pintada(also: lema)
slogan{noun} [pol.]
made-up{adj.} (eyes, face)
iba con un vestido pintado al mío
the dress she was wearing was identical to mine
ser pintado a algn
to be identical to sb
pintado a algo
identical to sth
pintado{past participle}
Bajo un cobertizo, un Cristo resucitado fue pintado por jóvenes artistas musulmanes.
Under the shelter, some young Moslem artists have painted a resuscitated Christ.
fueron y se sentaron justo donde estaba recién pintado
they went and sat down right where it had just been painted
el cuadro está pintado con minuciosidad
the picture is painted with great attention to detail

Synonyms (Spanish) for "pintado":
Context examples for "pintada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Vi la pintada "nadie es ilegal" en una pared de Poznań, mi ciudad natal.
I saw the words 'Nobody is illegal' painted on a wall in my home town of Poznań.
El artículo 20 millón es una pintura de la historia bíblica de David y Goliat, pintada por el célebre Caravaggio en 1600-1601.
The 20 millionth item is a painting of the Biblical story of David and Goliath painted by the celebrated Caravaggio in 1600-1601.
la puerta está recién pintada
the door's freshly painted
una puerta recién pintada
a freshly painted door
una vaca pintada
a spotted cow
Alice Hooper, pintada por Copley alrededor de 1763, representa a la hija de diecisiete años de edad del hombre más rico de Marblehead, Massachusetts, Robert "King" Hooper.
Alice Hooper, painted by Copley around 1763, depicts the seventeen-year-old daughter of the wealthiest man in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Robert “King” Hooper.