
"perpetuation" in Spanish

"perpetuation" in Spanish
The cause of this rise is the perpetuation of unresolved political and social problems.
La causa de este auge es la perpetuación de problemas políticos y sociales sin resolver.
Unfortunately, the summit avoided analysing in depth the social reasons which lead to the perpetuation of this phenomenon.
Lamentablemente, la cumbre no analizó en profundidad las razones sociales que conducen a la perpetuación de este fenómeno.
But, as the Commissioner well knows, trade in animals, if it is not effectively handled, has led to the perpetuation of some serious abuses in the Community in recent years.
Pero, como bien sabe el Comisario, el comercio con animales, si no se controla con eficacia, ha propiciado en los últimos años la perpetuación de ciertos graves abusos en la Comunidad.

Synonyms (English) for "perpetuation":
Context examples for "perpetuation" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The purchasing of sex constitutes violence and the perpetuation of violence.
La compra de sexo es violencia y perpetúa la misma.
Perpetuation of the status quo following the Turkish invasion of July-August 1974 is not acceptable to the European Union.
La continuidad del statu quo, resultado de la invasión turca de julio-agosto de 1974, no es aceptable para la Unión Europea.
The paradoxical role of education and training in relation to these inequalities is that they very often contribute to their perpetuation.
El papel paradójico de la educación y formación en relación con estas desigualdades es que suelen contribuir a que se perpetúen.
I have noticed a political theme emerging during the course of the debate: the perpetuation of the myth that the Single Sky is an attack on the sovereignty of the individual States.
Durante el desarrollo del debate, he observado que surgía un tema de carácter político: la persistencia del mito de que el cielo único representa un ataque a la soberanía de los diferentes Estados.