
"oil pipeline" in Spanish

"oil pipeline" in Spanish
The oil pipeline that passes through Chechnya has been damaged by the war.
El oleoducto que transcurre a través de Chechenia ha sido dañado por la guerra.
Suddenly an oil pipeline cracks, and oil no longer reaches the Mazeiku refinery.
De pronto se rompe el oleoducto y el petróleo deja de llegar a la refinería de Mazeiku.
I am talking about the pan-European Constanţa - Trieste oil pipeline.
Estoy hablando del oleoducto paneuropeo entre Constanta y Trieste.

Context examples for "oil pipeline" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
an oil pipeline
un oleoducto
I wonder what sort of peace the Americans are building by training Georgian soldiers there, and who is currently benefiting from this oil pipeline project.
En la Unión Europea enseñamos el Estado de Derecho, no cómo disparar una pistola, y esta diferencia siempre debería aclararse a nuestros amigos.
If Central Asia is to develop its economic independence it will require foreign assistance in developing alternative gas and oil pipeline routes and new markets.
Si Asia central quiere desarrollar su independencia económica necesitará ayuda extranjera para desarrollar trazados alternativos para los conductos de gas y petróleo así como nuevos mercados.