
"oftentimes" in Spanish

"oftentimes" in Spanish
a menudo{adv.}
Oftentimes, your browser settings or outdated plugins are the cause.
A menudo, la causa es la configuración de su navegador o los complementos obsoletos.

Synonyms (English) for "oftentimes":
Context examples for "oftentimes" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Oftentimes, your browser settings or outdated plugins are the cause.
A menudo, la causa es la configuración de su navegador o los complementos obsoletos.
too,(46) a recognition of their oftentimes exemplary fidelity to their own
incluye también a ellos (46), el reconocimiento de la fidelidad que
oftentimes deceitful "culture of death", against which Pope John
de muerte", invadente y engañosa, en contra de la cual Juan
Oftentimes persons wrongly cite religious motives to justify fighting and conflicts between people.
Es aberrante, como ocurre no raramente, pretender justificar las luchas y conflictos con motivos de orden religioso.
Indeed, in the piety of the people of America there are oftentimes many elements at odds with Christianity.
En efecto, en la religiosidad de los pueblos de América no faltan, a veces, elementos ajenos al cristianismo que, en ocasiones, llegan a formar una suerte de sincretismo construído