
"nonattendance" in Spanish

"nonattendance" in Spanish
In the light of the tenor of a number of speeches, I have made it quite clear that we are dissatisfied with the non-attendance and that will be followed up.
A la vista del tenor de varios discursos, he dejado muy claro que estamos insatisfechos con la ausencia y vamos a insistir en ello.
There has been talk of a boycott, of non-attendance, but also of conciliation and dialogue.
Se ha hablado mucho de un boicot, de la no asistencia, pero también de la conciliación y el diálogo.

Context examples for "nonattendance" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There has been talk of a boycott, of non-attendance, but also of conciliation and dialogue.
Se ha hablado mucho de un boicot, de la no asistencia, pero también de la conciliación y el diálogo.
European politicians should express their disapproval with Chinese politics through non-attendance at the opening ceremony.
Los políticos europeos deben expresar su desaprobación de la política china no asistiendo a la ceremonia de apertura.