
"money" in English

"money" in English
money(also: manteca)
bread{noun} [coll.]
The European Union is very good at spending money - at spending other people's money.
La Unión Europea es muy buena gastando dinero -gastando el dinero de los demás-.
It is evident that money is not everything, but that nothing seems to work without money.
Es evidente que el dinero no lo es todo, pero que nada parece funcionar sin dinero.
It deals with money, in other words - and people know how to use money.
El euro es una moneda, es decir, dinero, y la gente sabe cómo usar el dinero.
money(also: coin, piece, bit)
It deals with money, in other words - and people know how to use money.
El euro es una moneda, es decir, dinero, y la gente sabe cómo usar el dinero.
Obviously, the United States of America is printing new money.
Obviamente, los Estados Unidos de América están emitiendo moneda nueva.
Today we have effectively given the big companies a licence to print money.
Hoy hemos dado a las grandes compañías la licencia efectiva de acuñar moneda.
plata{noun} [CAm.] [coll.]
I'm embarrassed to go and ask him for money
me da calor ir a pedirle plata
he'd blown the money on a cruise
se había patinado la plata en un crucero
let's see the colour of your money
primero quiero ver la plata
lana{noun} [Mex.] [coll.]
let's see the colour of your money
primero quiero ver la lana
let's see the color of your money
primero quiero ver la lana
they have gobs of money
tienen muchísima lana
guita{noun} [Arg.] [coll.]
money(also: dough)
billete{m} [SAm.] [coll.] (dinero)
No one wants to print money as a way of solving finance policy problems.
Nadie pretende imprimir billetes para resolver los problemas financieros.
People who did not purchase tickets with a credit card have practically no chance of recovering their money.
Las personas que no adquirieron sus billetes con crédito apenas tenían posibilidades de recuperar su dinero.
Once a company has filed for bankruptcy, passengers who have purchased tickets usually lose all their money.
Cuando una compañía entra en quiebra, los pasajeros que han comprado billetes suelen perder todo su dinero.
money(also: cash, dough)
billullo{m} [Chile] [coll.]
bolsa{f} (dinero)
she made her money by playing the stock market
hizo dinero especulando en la bolsa
It will have to be attractive for investors to invest their money and for firms to put their shares on this exchange.
Para los inversores tendrá que ser atractivo invertir su dinero en esa Bolsa.
This leads to sound, efficient yards being punished, whilst inefficient ones are given an injection of money.
El resultado es que los astilleros buenos y eficientes son castigados, en tanto que los malos reciben una bolsa de dinero.
fondos{noun} (dinero)
Mr President, there is no point in talking about old money or new money when there is no money!
Señor Presidente, no tiene ningún sentido hablar de fondos antiguos o fondos nuevos cuando no hay fondos.
We do not spend money for the sake of spending money.
No utilizamos fondos por el mero hecho de utilizar fondos.
It is public money, taxpayers ' money that funds research activities.
Se trata de fondos públicos con los que el contribuyente financia actividades de investigación.
muna{f} [Ven.] [coll.]
money(also: dough, cash)
pachocha{f} [Mex.] [coll.] (dinero)
money(also: dough, cash)
parné{m} [Spa.] [slg.]
money(also: dough, cash)
tecolines{m} [Mex.] [coll.]
tela{f} [Spa.] [coll.] (dinero)
pasta{f} [Spa.] [coll.]
let's see the colour of your money
primero quiero ver la pasta
let's see the color of your money
primero quiero ver la pasta
monetario{adj. m}
I also think that institutions issuing e-money should be treated as equal.
Por ello tiene que afectar a todo el espacio monetario europeo y no sólo a uno nacional.
Quite simply, that is how the euro and the future of our money economy will be judged.
El euro, la economía monetaria se juzgarán en adelante sencillamente según este criterio.
We should use money to create value for our society, not to create monetary value!
Deberíamos utilizar el dinero para crear valor para nuestra sociedad y no para crear valor monetario.

Context examples for "money" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creo que, en el futuro, este enfoque value for money será extensamente aplicado.
I believe that this 'value for money' approach will be widely applied in the future.
[Our senior management] has really put their money where their mouth is.
[Our senior management] has really put their money where their mouth is.
No money if there is no change in Kosovo , en el idioma que quiera.
'No money if there is no change in Kosovo, ' in whatever language you like.
No money if there is no change in Kosovo, en el idioma que quiera.
'No money if there is no change in Kosovo, ' in whatever language you like.
El lema de la Presidencia irlandesa no era tan sólo safe streets, sino también sound money.
The motto of the Irish presidency was not just ʼ safe streets ' but also ʼ sound money '.
En Estados Unidos acabamos de ver la iniciativa McCain sobre el soft money y el hard money.
In the United States we have just seen the McCain initiative on soft money and hard money.
Un cambio ligado a ello es que la money back guarantee debe aumentarse hasta los 50.000 euros.
A change related to this is that the money-back guarantee must be increased to EUR 50 000.
Quiero comentar finalmente otros aspectos: el control presupuestario y el concepto de value for money.
There are a few last comments on other aspects - budget control and value for money.
Si queremos obtener "value for money", es imprescindible que nuestra política se centre en la pobreza.
This poverty focus is essential in order to actually get value for money.
Si queremos obtener " value for money ", es imprescindible que nuestra política se centre en la pobreza.
This poverty focus is essential in order to actually get value for money.
El lema de la Presidencia irlandesa no era tan sólo safe streets , sino también sound money .
The motto of the Irish presidency was not just ʼsafe streets' but also ʼsound money'.
En segundo lugar, quiero un control adecuado del gasto y se respete la noción de value for money.
Second, I want proper control of spending and value for money.
Money talks, entonces se toma en serio, cosa que también las empresas e industrias entienden.
That is when things become serious, and this is something which companies and industries understand too.
Aceptamos que deba aportarse public money al principio, pero el sector privado también debe invertir.
We accept that at the beginning, public money must be invested, but industry must contribute too.
Y me respondió en inglés, porque en esa lengua me comuniqué con él:» You just get money from them».
And he replied, in English because that was the language I used to him, ' You just get money from them '.
Y me respondió en inglés, porque en esa lengua me comuniqué con él: »You just get money from them» .
And he replied, in English because that was the language I used to him, ' You just get money from them ' .
Dicho esto, me complace la insistencia de este presupuesto en el control adecuado y el concepto de value for money.
That said, I welcome the emphasis in this budget on proper control and getting value for money.
Este ponente, entre otras cosas, piensa utilizar como base del análisis el coste-beneficio, el "value for money".
Amongst other things, I intend to use 'value for money' as a basis for the cost-benefit analysis.
Es lo que se llama el " soft money " y el " hard money ".
It is what is called'soft money ' and 'hard money '.
Es lo que se llama el "soft money" y el "hard money".
It is what is called 'soft money' and 'hard money' .