
"materialista" in English

En una sociedad materialista, secularizada, deben oponerse a todo lo que no respeta la vida humana!
In a materialist and secular society, they have to oppose every thing that does not respect human life.
No es culpa de los nacionalistas, es culpa de los materialistas cosmopolitas que nos gobiernan y gobiernan la Europa de hoy.
This is no fault of the nationalists, this is the fault of the cosmopolitan materialists who govern us and who govern Europe today.
lorry driver{noun} [Brit.]
Sé personalmente de lo que es capaz un régimen comunista impío y materialista.
I know personally what a godless and materialistic communist regime is capable of.
de una concepción del mundo materialista, utilitaria y en definitiva inhumana,
the advance of a materialistic, utilitarian and ultimately dehumanized world
estilo de vida materialista y consumista.
materialistic and consumer style of life.
En una sociedad materialista, secularizada, deben oponerse a todo lo que no respeta la vida humana!
In a materialist and secular society, they have to oppose every thing that does not respect human life.
No es culpa de los nacionalistas, es culpa de los materialistas cosmopolitas que nos gobiernan y gobiernan la Europa de hoy.
This is no fault of the nationalists, this is the fault of the cosmopolitan materialists who govern us and who govern Europe today.
mercenary{adj.} (person, attitude)
Incluso si finalmente la cumbre fue quizá algo materialista - a menudo lo es - esto no puede eclipsar el panorama general.
Even if the end of the summit was perhaps somewhat mercenary - it often is - this cannot overshadow the big picture.

Context examples for "materialista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
desarrollo de la civilización unilateralmente materialista, en la que se da
must be frankly recognized that the reaction against the system of injustice
En un mundo materialista en el que lo que no se ve no existe, es una frustración que nos acecha a todos.
In a material world where what we cannot see does not exist, it is a frustration we all have to watch out for.