
"incredulity" in Spanish

"incredulity" in Spanish
That is why we share the incredulity, the degree of difficulty which the Slav Macedonians appear to be having in making further progress.
Por estas razones, señor Presidente, compartimos la incredulidad, la cierta dificultad que constatamos en la parte eslavo - macedonia de avanzar más.
People have whispered about this for years, but those of us who did not experience it listened with incredulity and, I have to add, a certain amount of disbelief.
La gente ha rumoreado esto durante años, pero aquellos de nosotros que no lo experimentamos escuchábamos con incredulidad y, debo decir, con cierta desconfianza.
European citizens, far from being 'united in diversity', as the EU motto goes, are instead frightened in adversity and will look on this vote with incredulity.
Los ciudadanos de Europa, lejos de estar "unidos en la diversidad" como reza el lema de la UE, están más "asustados ante la adversidad" y nos mirarán con incredulidad ante esta votación.
But it does stretch our credulity even at this time of the year.
Pero realmente pone a prueba nuestra credulidad incluso en esta época del año.
Russia will successfully exploit Western credulity, it craves revenge against the West wherever that is possible.
Rusia conseguirá aprovechar la credulidad Occidental, ansía vengarse de Occidente, donde sea posible.

Synonyms (English) for "incredulity":
Context examples for "incredulity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ladies and gentlemen, when I meet my constituents, they shake their heads with incredulity over the topics we discuss here, failing as we do to deal with their real problems.
Señorías, cuando me encuentro con mis electores, niegan con la cabeza, incrédulos, al ver los temas que debatimos aquí y al ver que no nos ocupamos de sus verdaderos problemas.