
"inconcluso" in English

"inconcluso" in English
incomplete{adj.} (unfinished)
Está elaborando, en estos momentos, una directiva que, por desgracia, es una directiva inconclusa.
At the moment, it is preparing a directive which, unfortunately, is incomplete.
Su presencia nos recuerda que en mayo del año pasado la quinta ampliación de la Unión Europea quedó inconclusa a la espera de que Rumanía y Bulgaria concluyesen ese proceso de adhesión.
Their presence reminds us that, in May of last year, the fifth enlargement of the European Union was left incomplete while we waited for Romania and Bulgaria to complete their accession processes.
La inconclusa Directiva sobre la calidad del aire ha constituido un ejemplo lamentable.
A disgraceful example has been set by the unfinished air quality directive.
No nos dejemos llevar por las consignas estúpidas, la ignorancia profesional y el trabajo inconcluso, que únicamente menoscaban la credibilidad de la UE.
Let us not allow silly shouting, professional ignorance and unfinished work to impair the EU's credibility.
Pero también había tareas inconclusas que abordar: se trataba de la respuesta al Libro Verde sobre la lucha contra la discriminación.
But we were also dealing with unfinished business: we were dealing with the response to the Green Paper on anti-discrimination.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "inconcluso":
Context examples for "inconcluso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Las conclusiones de la Cumbre de Amsterdam tienen un sabor amargo y producen un sentimiento de inconcluso, de haber perdido la ocasión.
The conclusions of the Amsterdam summit leave a sour taste and a feeling of incompleteness, even of a missed opportunity.