
"inadmisible" in English

"inadmisible" in English
inadmisible{adjective masculine/feminine}
inadmisible{adjective masculine/feminine}
Desafortunadamente, las autoridades han considerado inadmisible esta enmienda.»
Unfortunately, this amendment was deemed inadmissible by the authorities
Desafortunadamente, las autoridades han considerado inadmisible esta enmienda.»
Unfortunately, this amendment was deemed inadmissible by the authorities.'
La ley lituana es inadmisible, por lo absurdo y homófobo de su naturaleza.
The Lithuanian law is inadmissible, as it is absurd and homophobic in nature.
irregular{adj.} (contrary to rules)
esto es totalmente inadmisible
this is highly irregular
unacceptable{adj.} (conduct, standard)
Es una situación inadmisible que exige una consideración especial.
It is an unacceptable situation, and that alone requires special consideration.
inadmisible retraso y es precisamente en esta zona geopolítica donde vive la
matched in the South by an unacceptable delay, and it is precisely in this
Es una práctica inadmisible que impide la agilidad y la equidad de todo el programa.
This is unacceptable and impedes their mobility and the fairness of the whole programme.
unacceptable{adj.} (terms, conditions)
Es una situación inadmisible que exige una consideración especial.
It is an unacceptable situation, and that alone requires special consideration.
inadmisible retraso y es precisamente en esta zona geopolítica donde vive la
matched in the South by an unacceptable delay, and it is precisely in this
Es una práctica inadmisible que impide la agilidad y la equidad de todo el programa.
This is unacceptable and impedes their mobility and the fairness of the whole programme.

Context examples for "inadmisible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por tanto, un enfoque unilateral en lo referente a esto es inadmisible.
Thus, a unilateral approach, as far as that is concerned, is out of the question.
Lo considero inadmisible, siendo que los investigadores son los primeros en dar la alerta.
I really cannot go along with that, as researchers would be the first to alert us.
Tal vez sea necesario que volvamos a examinar la lógica de la misma, pero esto es inadmisible.
Maybe we should revisit the underlying logic, but this is impossible, of course.
Aunque resulta inadmisible que la cogestión no sea regulada de una manera adecuada.
But the machinery of codetermination is not suitably regulated and that is not good enough.
Señor Presidente, lo que está sucediendo en Mitrovica, Kosovo, es terrible e inadmisible.
Mr President, what is happening in Mitrovica in Kosovo is appalling and reprehensible.
Esto es inadmisible, señor Comisario, y me gustaría escuchar su respuesta.
This is not right, Commissioner, and I should like to hear your reply.
Prometer una parte razonable, como ha hecho hasta ahora, es inadmisible.
To promise to pay a reasonable proportion, as you have done up to now, is not acceptable.
Es absolutamente inadmisible que se produzca una situación de este tipo.
It is absolutely intolerable for a situation of this kind to arise.
Todos hemos acordado que esto debe regularse a través de la OMC, pues es algo inadmisible.
We all jointly decided that this had to be settled via the WTO, that it could not be allowed.
Es inadmisible que se ponga en peligro la salud pública de esta manera.
It is not acceptable that public health be put at risk like this.
Lo digo y lo repito,¡nuestra Cámara comete hoy un acto de injerencia inadmisible!
I have said this before and I repeat, today this Assembly is meddling in matters that do not concern it.
Y esta es una situación inadmisible tanto para los agricultores europeos como para los consumidores.
And that would be an untenable situation both for Europe's farmers and for consumers.
Es totalmente inadmisible y pido que se dé fe en el Acta.
This cannot be allowed, and I would ask for this point to be noted in the Minutes.
Eso es inadmisible y la comunidad internacional no puede tolerarlo.
That is not on, and the international community cannot tolerate it.
Lo digo y lo repito, ¡nuestra Cámara comete hoy un acto de injerencia inadmisible!
I have said this before and I repeat, today this Assembly is meddling in matters that do not concern it.
La posibilidad de que un protohumano sea canibalizado para obtener piezas de recambio es inadmisible.
That a proto-human being could be cannibalized for spare parts cannot be contemplated.
Sin embargo, quedan todavía muchos ámbitos en que debemos decir que la situación es inadmisible.
However, there are still too many areas for which we must say that things are not acceptable.
(FR) (dirigiéndose al señor Bloom) Lo que ha dicho me resulta inadmisible.
(FR) (addressing Mr Bloom) I cannot accept what you said.
Es inadmisible que la UE interfiera en la formación del Gobierno de un Estado miembro.
It is intolerable that the EU should involve itself in the formation of the government in a Member State.
Es inadmisible que el debate acabe con el pluralismo. Debería suceder todo lo contrario.
The debate must not stifle pluralism, quite the contrary.