
"groveller" in Spanish

"groveller" in Spanish
arrastrarse {vb} (humillarse)
I regard this as grovelling before the Council, which has effectively said 'you can like it or lump it!'.
Creo que en el fondo del asunto eso es arrastrarse frente al Consejo que ha dicho: O las comes o las dejas.
I regard this as grovelling before the Council, which has effectively said 'you can like it or lump it! '.
Creo que en el fondo del asunto eso es arrastrarse frente al Consejo que ha dicho: O las comes o las dejas.
Their lives consist in grovelling before a leader who tells them each morning that the entire world wants to overrun them.
Sus vidas consisten en prosternarse ante un líder que les dice cada mañana que el mundo entero quiere invadirles.