
"grin" in Spanish

she screwed her face into a grin
hizo una mueca
she gave me a crooked grin
me hizo una mueca
a horrible grin
una mueca espantosa
grin(also: smile)
a great, big, cheesy grin
una sonrisa de oreja a oreja
a leering grin
una sonrisa lasciva
Like me, MrsGomes saw elderly people queuing up for hours on end without food or water and then casting their votes with broad grins.
También la señora Gomes vio a personas ancianas guardar cola durante horas, sin agua ni alimentos, para luego depositar su voto con una gran sonrisa.
rictus{m} [poet.] (de burla)

Synonyms (English) for "grin":
Context examples for "grin" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We in the West will groan, grin and bear it; in the developing world, it is a matter of life or death.
En Occidente podemos quejarnos, aguantarnos y soportarlo, pero en las regiones en vías de desarrollo supone la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte.
you can wipe that grin off your face!
¡más vale que no te rías!
we'll just have to grin and bear it
tendremos que aguantarnos
his grin stretched from ear to ear
sonreía de oreja a oreja
we'll just have to grin and bear it
habrá que aguantarse
a great, big, cheesy grin
una sonrisa de oreja a oreja
I'll have to grin and bear it
tendré que fastidiarme
she screwed her face into a grin
torció el gesto
she screwed her face into a grin
hizo una mueca
she gave me a crooked grin
me hizo una mueca
a horrible grin
una mueca espantosa
a leering grin
una sonrisa lasciva