
"garganta" in English

"garganta" in English
sponger{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
gorge{noun} [arch.] (throat)
groove{noun} (for pulley)
tápate la garganta, que vas a coger frío
to put something around your neck; you'll catch cold
El síndrome de SFPAFA es una causa poco frecuente de episodios regulares y repetidos de fiebre, dolor de garganta y tumefacción de las glándulas del cuello en los niños.
PFAPA syndrome is a rare cause of regular, repeated episodes of fever, sore throat and swollen neck glands in children.
throat{noun} [anat.]
Sin embargo, a veces puede ocurrir una infección bacteriana en la garganta.
However, sometimes a bacterial throat infection can occur.
Muchas personas portan bacterias en la garganta sin enfermarse.
Many people carry bacteria in their throat without becoming ill.
Síntomas Los antibióticos redujeron el dolor de garganta y la fiebre en aproximadamente la mitad.
SymptomsThroat soreness and fever were reduced by using antibiotics by about half.
narrow pass{noun} [geogr.]
ravine{noun} [geogr.]
neck{noun} [archit.]
tápate la garganta, que vas a coger frío
to put something around your neck; you'll catch cold
El síndrome de SFPAFA es una causa poco frecuente de episodios regulares y repetidos de fiebre, dolor de garganta y tumefacción de las glándulas del cuello en los niños.
PFAPA syndrome is a rare cause of regular, repeated episodes of fever, sore throat and swollen neck glands in children.

Context examples for "garganta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Síntomas Los antibióticos redujeron el dolor de garganta y la fiebre en aproximadamente la mitad.
3. SymptomsThroat soreness and fever were reduced by using antibiotics by about half.
Generalmente la causan bacterias diseminadas de una infección de oído o garganta.
It is caused by bacteria that usually spread from an ear or respiratory infection and is treated with antibiotics.
se le hizo un nudo en la garganta y no pudo continuar
his voice caught and he was unable to carry on
tápate la garganta, que vas a coger frío
to put something around your neck; you'll catch cold
se le atoró el chicle en la garganta
she got her chewing gum stuck in her throat
se me atravesó una espina en la garganta
I got a fish bone stuck in my throat
tengo la garganta seca de tanto hablar
I feel dry after all that talking
me duele mucho menos la garganta ahora
my throat feels much easier now
se le hizo un nudo en la garganta
he felt a lump in his throat
es bueno para el dolor de garganta
it's good for a sore throat
tengo un picor en la garganta
I have a tickle in my throat
tenía un cosquilleo en la garganta
he had a tickly throat
tengo la garganta carrasposa
my throat feels really rough
se me ha secado la garganta
my throat's gone really dry
tener una inflamación de garganta
to have strep throat
un dolor de garganta espantoso
a terrible sore throat
me pica la garganta
I have a tickle in my throat
una infección de garganta
a throat infection
un bulto en la garganta
a lump in the throat
pastillas para la garganta
throat pastilles