
"furthermost" in Spanish

"furthermost" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "furthermost":
Context examples for "furthermost" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This exalted yet simple action of our daily mission as priests opens up our humanity, so to speak, to its furthermost limits.
Este acto sublime, y al mismo tiempo sencillo, de nuestra misión cotidiana de sacerdotes extiende, se podría decir, nuestra humanidad hasta los últimos confines.
My second point is that even the best rules and safeguards are of no use if the information on them is hidden in the furthermost corner of the transport operator concerned.
Mi segundo comentario es que ni siquiera las mejores normas y salvaguardas sirven de nada si la información acerca de ellas está oculta en el rincón más recóndito del transportista implicado.
For example, tankers carrying dangerous goods should be required to set routes along the furthermost part of the shipping lane, and the Finisterre lane should be relocated away from the coast.
Por ejemplo, obligar a los petroleros que transportan mercancías peligrosas a navegar por una zona más alejada del corredor marítimo y alejar el corredor de Finisterre de la costa.