
"fríamente" in English

recibieron su sugerencia fríamente
her suggestion was received coldly
al principio me trató fríamente
at first he treated me coldly
Surge cada vez más la impresión de que las vacías promesas eran solamente parte de una campaña electoral fríamente calculada.
One increasingly gets the impression that the lofty promises were merely part of a coldly calculated election strategy.
clinically{adv.} (coldly)
coolly{adv.} (with reserve, hostility)
stiffly{adv.} (formally)
thinly{adv.} (insubstantially)

Context examples for "fríamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me parece un procedimiento increíble que de repente se supriman fríamente estos comunicados.
I consider it an intolerable procedure suddenly just to leave out this press release without a word.
Putin respondió fríamente y ahí se quedó.
Mr Putin gave a frosty reply and that was as far as it went.
deja tus sentimientos de lado y piensa fríamente
leave your feelings to one side and consider it objectively
discutieron fríamente el problema
they talked about the problem in a calm and collected way
Suecia es uno de los países que fríamente calcula que va a aumentar la emisión de anhídrido carbónico en los próximos años.
Sweden is one of the countries which callously expect to increase emissions of carbon dioxide in the coming years.
Señor Presidente, con relación a la guerra de Kosovo, pienso que ha llegado la hora de pensar fríamente empleando la razón.
Mr President, I think that in relation to the war in Kosovo, the time has come to turn to reason and for cool-headed reflection.
recibieron su sugerencia fríamente
her suggestion was received coldly
lo trataron cortés pero fríamente
he was treated with cold civility
Hay que reconocerlo fríamente.
That is simply a matter of fact.
al principio me trató fríamente
at first he treated me coldly
lo recibió fríamente
she gave him a wintery reception
lo recibió fríamente
she gave him a wintry reception
A fin de cuentas, el papel de un diputado es juzgar fríamente si los resultados de la CIG se acercan a las ideas y objetivos que teníamos antes.
It is an MEP's role to make a down-to-earth assessment of whether the outcome of the IGC corresponds to our own ideas and objectives.
La comparación de los efectos anticompetitivos de estas ayudas con otras podría resultar, si lo analizamos fríamente, un insulto a la inteligencia.
The comparison of the anti-competitive effects of this aid with other types of aid, if we analyse it soberly, is something of an insult to the intelligence.
No es una pregunta retórica; tenemos que plantearnos fríamente cuál es la prioridad para el futuro de Europa, esta Europa que quiere, pero no puede.
That is not a rhetorical question; we must ask ourselves the stark question of what the priority is for the future of Europe, this Europe that wants to act, but cannot.
El presidente sólo presentó a la Cámara la propuesta de Schulz y no presentó mi petición de retrasarla dos o tres horas para pensar fríamente y valorar los hechos.
The President just put to the House the Schulz motion, and did not put my request for a motion to postpone it to give us two or three hours to cool down and find out the facts.