
"frittering away" in Spanish

"frittering away" in Spanish

Similar translations for "frittering away" in Spanish
Context examples for "frittering away" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The second point is that there must be no frittering away of our funds.
El segundo punto se refiere a que no debe producirse un malgasto de nuestros fondos.
As Mr Pasty has said, we should stop frittering away our time with things which they obviously think are nothing to do with us.
Como ha dicho nuestro colega Patsy no deberíamos perder nuestro tiempo con asuntos en los que claramente no se nos quiere ver presentes.
Mr Barroso, I believe that you will make your fellow Commissioners conscious of the fact that we cannot create a welfare state on credit, in so doing frittering away our children ’ s future.
Lamentamos que el Gobierno neerlandés no haya aceptado nuestra recomendación de cambiar la cartera de la señora Kroes.
My fear is that the Council and the Commission are frittering away the trust of European people in the European Union, and Parliament should have no part in this squalid process!
Me temo que el Consejo y la Comisión están poniendo en juego la confianza de los ciudadanos europeos en la Unión Europea. El Parlamento no debería apoyar este falso proceso.
Mr Barroso, I believe that you will make your fellow Commissioners conscious of the fact that we cannot create a welfare state on credit, in so doing frittering away our children’s future.
Señor Barroso, creo que hará que sus colegas Comisarios sean conscientes del hecho de que no podemos crear un Estado del bienestar a crédito, porque hipotecaríamos el futuro de nuestros hijos.