
"frenéticamente" in English

"frenéticamente" in English
¿Por qué no hacemos que eso sea una prioridad, en lugar de legislar frenéticamente para arrebatarnos en todo momento la intimidad?
Why not make that a priority instead of frenetically legislating to take away our privacy all the time?
furiously{adv.} (violently, intensely)
Blair en el Reino Unido empezó a señalar frenéticamente que para él había temas de vital importancia en la CIG: impuestos, defensa y seguridad social.
Then Mr Blair in the UK started signalling furiously that there were redline issues for him in the IGC - on tax, on defence and social security.

Context examples for "frenéticamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En esta segunda mitad del siglo, la actividad ha aumentado frenéticamente y es constante el recurso a trabajadores inmigrantes, a subcontratistas.
Over the last 50 years, business activity has increased apace, and immigrant workers and sub-contractors are used to a great extent.