
"fermento" in English

"fermento" in English
fermentar{transitive verb}
a vivir como fermento crítico y profético en este cielo
to live as a critical and prophetic ferment in these present heavens and
Ahí esta: el fermento creativo característico.
There it is – the typical creative ferment.
Si así lo hiciéramos, correríamos el riesgo de introducir fermentos de división dentro de la Unión y favorecer una competencia malsana.
If this was done, we would risk introducing the ferment of division within the Union and of favouring an unhealthy competition.
a vivir como fermento crítico y profético en este cielo
to live as a critical and prophetic ferment in these present heavens and
Ahí esta: el fermento creativo característico.
There it is – the typical creative ferment.
No debemos permitir que los recientes acontecimientos sigan produciéndose o fermenten o nos destruyan.
We must not allow recent events to continue, or ferment or destroy us.
to simmer {v.i.} (controversy, dispute)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "fermento":
Context examples for "fermento" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
ante las desigualdades sociales que son un fermento de inestabilidad crónica
inequalities which give rise to chronic instability, and before the
Todos esperamos que Irán, un país con enormes potencialidades y de gran fermento cultural, pueda convertirse lo antes posible en un socio económico y político de pleno derecho.
We all hope that Iran, a country with plenty of potential and in great cultural turmoil, can become a fully operative economic and political partner as soon as possible.
Permítame que añada dos temas que podríamos incluir: la libertad de expresión, porque es un fermento esencial para el desarrollo de los derechos humanos, y la esclavitud en todas sus formas.
Allow me to add two further subjects which we could include, namely freedom of expression, because it is an essential catalyst in the development of human rights, and slavery in all its forms.