
"fascinada" in English

"fascinada" in English
fascinada{adjective feminine}
fascinado{adjective masculine}
fascinada{adjective feminine}
fascinado{adjective masculine}
Siempre me ha fascinado el trabajo del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas.
I have always been fascinated by the work of the European Court of Justice.
A mi propio país le ha fascinado la evolución de la política mediterránea durante muchos siglos.
My own country has been fascinated by developments in Mediterranean policy for many centuries.
estaba fascinado con el juguete
he was fascinated with the toy

Synonyms (Spanish) for "fascinado":
Context examples for "fascinada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Desde su adolescencia, Nathalie Gagné se ha sentido fascinada por el maquillaje y su influencia en el oficio del actor.
“One of my goals is to get them to do just that, and help them find within themselves what I call ‘lines of force’ that will serve to build their characters.
Fascinada por la belleza del nuevo edificio todo de cristal, que se alza elegantemente al borde del I11, ésta (la fuente) considera que su coste de mantenimiento será enorme.
Stunned by the beauty of the new building, all in glass, which stands elegantly on the banks of the Ill, it - the source - estimates that the cost of maintaining the building will be enormous.