
"exiliarse" in English

"exiliarse" in English
exiliarse{reflexive verb}
Instamos a la Presidencia a que no solo se limite a denunciar su exilio como algo inaceptable.
We call on the Presidency not just to denounce his exile as unacceptable.
Porque la mayoría de los que lucharon o de los que están en el exilio no han regresado y no son reconocidos.
Because the majority of those who fought or those who are in exile have not yet returned, and are not recognised.
Algunos se han exiliado a Inglaterra y, en algunos casos, han perdido su puesto de trabajo.
They have either been exiled to England or, in some cases, lost their jobs completely.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "exiliarse":
Context examples for "exiliarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Miles de personas perdieron la vida o tuvieron que exiliarse, y esa parte de Rumanía fue sometida.
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives or were exiled, and that part of Romania was subjected.
Desde entonces, el Dalai Lama, obligado a exiliarse, ha estado dirigiendo su protesta pacífica durante medio siglo.
Since then, the Dalai Lama, forced into exile, has been conducting his peaceful protest for half a century.
La prensa está amordazada, las organizaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos están prohibidas y la oposición ha tenido que exiliarse.
The press is muzzled, human rights organisations are barred and opposition is driven abroad.
La prensa está amordazada, las organizaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos están prohibidas y la oposición ha tenido que exiliarse.
He named the months of the year after his national heroes, starting with himself and his mother.