
"to enumerate" in Spanish

"to enumerate" in Spanish
to enumerate{transitive verb}
I cannot possibly enumerate all the partisan and contentious points in the text of this draft.
Me es imposible enumerar aquí todos los puntos partidistas y litigiosos de este texto.
Allow me to briefly enumerate the improvements achieved.
Permítanme enumerar brevemente las mejoras logradas.
Secondly, I would like to enumerate the five amendments that are partially acceptable to the Commission.
En segundo lugar, quiero enumerar la cinco enmiendas que la Comisión considera parcialmente aceptables.

Context examples for "to enumerate" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There are a number of worrying aspects to this outbreak which I should enumerate for you.
Este brote presenta una serie de aspectos preocupantes que me gustaría enumerarles.
There are many different reasons why it has been tabled so late, and I do not propose to enumerate them all.
Hay numerosos motivos por los que se ha presentado tan tarde, pero no quiero iniciar de nuevo un debate al respecto.
There is no need, I think, to enumerate yet again the numerous natural, technological and environmental disasters which have occurred over recent years.
Creo que no es necesario recordar las catástrofes ecológicas, tecnológicas y naturales de los últimos años.
We agree with the criticisms and I shall not enumerate them again; perhaps I should but one minute does not give me enough time.
Compartimos todos los puntos de la crítica, no voy a enumerarlos, aunque quizá esto fuera necesario, pero en un minuto no es posible.
I intend to enumerate these points in the short time at my disposal, since I do not expect to be given so much additional time as the honourable Members on the other side of the House.
Quiero señalarlos en el poco tiempo de que dispongo, porque no espero que se me conceda tanto tiempo de más como a los diputados del otro lado del hemiciclo.