
"drunkness" in Spanish

he swayed from side to side as he walked, as if he were drunk
vacilaba al andar, como si estuviese borracho
it was his second drunk driving offense
era la segunda vez que lo detenían por conducir borracho
it was his second drunk driving offense
era la segunda vez que lo detenían por manejar borracho
you could tell she was drunk from her slurred speech
te dabas cuenta de que estaba borracha por la manera como arrastraba las palabras
pedo{m} [Mex.] [coll.]
Just as if you have drunk too much you are not allowed to drive, so if you smoke too much you will not be allowed to drive.
Como cuando se ha bebido demasiado, no se tendrá el derecho de conducir.
most of the wine has been drunk
se ha bebido casi todo el vino
you've drunk too much
has bebido demasiado
ebria{adj. f}
ebrio{adj. m}
Anyone who drives when drunk loses his driving licence immediately.
Si un chófer conduce ebrio pierde el carné de conducir inmediatamente.
he was drunk with love for her
estaba ebrio de amor por ella
The value of property was harmonised when investors were collectively drunk on the stock exchange and on heat around real estate.
El valor de la propiedad se armonizó cuando todos los inversores estaban ebrios de bolsa y enloquecidos en torno a la propiedad inmobiliaria.
mamado{adj.} [LAm.]
curda{adj. m/f} [coll.] (estar)
he's blind drunk
tiene una curda que no ve
tomado{adj. m} [SAm.]
he'd drunk a lot of wine and he was starting to ramble
había tomado mucho vino y ya empezaba a divagar
drunk(also: sloshed)
bolo{adj.} [Ven.] [coll.] (borracho)
he swayed from side to side as he walked, as if he were drunk
vacilaba al andar, como si estuviese borracho
it was his second drunk driving offense
era la segunda vez que lo detenían por conducir borracho
it was his second drunk driving offense
era la segunda vez que lo detenían por manejar borracho

Synonyms (English) for "drunk":