
"distastefulness" in Spanish

"distastefulness" in Spanish
desagradable{adj. m/f}
This is both embarrassing and distasteful.
Esto es vergonzoso y desagradable a la vez.
Your attempts to resuscitate it are as distasteful as they are ill-fated.
Sus intentos de resucitarla son tan desagradables como inútiles.
This triumphalism is improper and distasteful, and it will be there because the elite assume that they have got their Lisbon Treaty.
Este triunfalismo es indecoroso y desagradable y estará allí porque la élite asume que tiene su Tratado de Lisboa.
Can we please avoid such distasteful displays in the future, or at least see that the interests of victims and their families are given due respect?
En el futuro,¿sería posible evitar tales manifestaciones de mal gusto, o por lo menos que se respeten los intereses de las víctimas y sus familias?
Can we please avoid such distasteful displays in the future, or at least see that the interests of victims and their families are given due respect?
En el futuro, ¿sería posible evitar tales manifestaciones de mal gusto, o por lo menos que se respeten los intereses de las víctimas y sus familias?

Synonyms (English) for "distasteful":