
"despotic" in Spanish

"despotic" in Spanish
despótico{adj. m}
The virtually despotic Croatian system has been replaced with a pro-West democratic system.
El régimen casi despótico croata ha sido sustituido por un régimen democrático y pro occidental.
Another six years of the Taliban's despotic rule had gone by before things began to look up for democracy.
Aún deberían transcurrir seis años más de gobierno despótico de los talibanes para que pudiera vislumbrarse la democracia.
For many years, we have given our support to despotic regimes and dictatorships in the Arab world.
Durante muchos años hemos brindado nuestro apoyo a regímenes despóticos y dictaduras del mundo árabe.
despot(also: tyrant)
He is a vile despot and we must cease all links with him and his regime.
Es un vil déspota y debemos romper cualquier vínculo con él y su régimen.
. - (DE) Mr President, you despot!
. - (DE) Señor Presidente, ¡es usted un déspota!
. - (DE) You cut me off, Mr President, when I called you a despot.
. - (DE) Señor Presidente, antes me interrumpió cuando dije que era usted un déspota.
despot(also: tyrant)

Context examples for "despotic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
His interpretation of the Rules of Procedure was totally despotic, and we contest it.
La interpretación del Reglamento fue totalmente autoritaria y estamos en desacuerdo con ella.
To Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they were inflated with pride, and were a despotic people.
Y entonces dijeron: "¿Vamos a creer [en ellos --] dos mortales como nosotros, cuyo pueblo son esclavos nuestros?"
It was out of a similar form of democratic nationalism that most of the current Member States of the European Union were born in the face of despotic power.
Una nacionalismo democrático semejante a éste fue el que dio origen al nacimiento de la mayor parte de los actuales Estados de la Unión Europea frente al absolutismo.