
"descontrolarse" in English


Context examples for "descontrolarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el Golfo de Kerch, el conflicto fronterizo entre Ucrania y Rusia corre el riesgo de descontrolarse.
According to him, Russian companies have had sanctions imposed on them for supplying the nuclear sector in Iran.
En el Golfo de Kerch, el conflicto fronterizo entre Ucrania y Rusia corre el riesgo de descontrolarse.
In the Gulf of Kerch, a serious border conflict between the Ukraine and Russia is at risk of escalating out of control.
Me horroriza ver cómo la intromisión política y el afán de poder político de las instituciones comunitarias amenazan ahora con descontrolarse.
I am horrified to see how political meddling and the ambition to shift political power to the EU institutions are now threatening to run out of control.
Ante la posibilidad de una cuarta conflagración indio-pakistaní, que puede descontrolarse hacia una escalada nuclear, la comunidad internacional debe reaccionar de manera inequívoca.
Given the possibility of a fourth India-Pakistan conflagration, which could spiral out of control towards nuclear escalation, the international community must react unambiguously.