
"descontrol" in English

"descontrol" in English
"descontrol" in Spanish

Context examples for "descontrol" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En una operación en septiembre cerca de Lampedusa, vimos el descontrol total.
In a joint operation in September around Lampedusa, we saw the havoc.
Simplificación, no descontrol, para un mayor control del fraude.
Simplification, not lack of control, but rather a greater control of fraud.
Las consecuencias de este descontrol pueden ser catastróficas, como acabamos de ver en los Países Bajos.
The consequences can be disastrous, as a recent incident in the Netherlands proved once more.
En el presupuesto belga era un problema durante años prevenir y remediar el descontrol en los gastos.
In the Belgian budget for years our problem was to prevent expenditure going off the rails and to remedy it.
Una política controlada de inmigración legal, coordinada entre los Estados miembros, no significa descontrol.
A policy of managed legal immigration, co-ordinated among Member States, does not mean a free-for-all.
En pocas palabras, un mayor descontrol en la acción del capital, una mayor limitación de los requisitos legislativos.
In other words, even less accountable capital transactions and even fewer legislative specifications.
Fuera de la PPC sólo hay descontrol, atentados al medio ambiente y una actividad económica no sostenible.
Without a common fisheries policy there can only be lack of control, damage to the environment and an unsustainable economic activity.
Este Parlamento también participará, aun cuando siempre hay un poco de descontrol respecto a cuantos diputados pueden viajar.
This Parliament, too, will be taking part, even if there is always chaos surrounding how many MEPs are permitted to travel.
con total descontrol
completely recklessly
con total descontrol
with complete abandon
Pero¿cómo pueden ustedes justificar el descontrol de que, como ya ha dicho el Sr.
But how can the lack of control be justified when it has led, as Mr Cunha said, to a five-fold increase in imports over four years?
Pero ¿cómo pueden ustedes justificar el descontrol de que, como ya ha dicho el Sr.
But how can the lack of control be justified when it has led, as Mr Cunha said, to a five-fold increase in imports over four years?
El Fondo Monetario Internacional no va a salvar a Rusia, sino a los bancos americanos y rusos, con lo que se agravará aún más la situación de descontrol que vive este país.
The IMF is not rescuing Russia, but American and German banks, and it is therefore responsible for yet more disorder in Russia.
Votamos a favor de la censura al Colegio porque toda la Comisión es responsable y debe asumir la responsabilidad del descontrol habido y que aún perdura.
We are voting to censure the college because the whole Commission is accountable and must accept responsibility for the fact that so much has gone wrong and will continue to go wrong.
Votamos a favor de la censura al Colegio de Comisarios porque la Comisión es responsable y debe asumir la responsabilidad del descontrol habido y que aún perdura.
We are voting to censure the Commission as a college because the Commission is accountable and must accept responsibility for the fact that so much has gone wrong and will continue to go wrong.
Voto a favor del informe White relativo al mantenimiento de animales salvajes en cautiverio, pues ya es hora de remediar una situación de descontrol, sufrimiento y falta de transparencia.
I am voting in favour of the White report on the keeping of wild animals in captivity, since it is time we put an end to the present free-for-all, with its suffering and lack of openness.
Sin embargo, el tema es importante, fundamental, como lo demuestra el seguimiento que numerosos sectores de la sociedad civil están haciendo tanto del control de armas como de su descontrol.
Nevertheless, this is an important, fundamental, issue, as demonstrated by the interest shown by many sectors of civil society in the issue of both arms control and the lack of such control.