
"corpse" in Spanish

"corpse" in Spanish
What we need is to revive the corpse of the CO2 energy tax.
Lo que necesitamos es la resurrección del cadáver que es el impuesto energético sobre el CO2 .
It is time to face up to it and bury the corpse that is the EU Constitution.
Va siendo hora de afrontar este hecho y enterrar el cadáver de la Constitución de la UE.
The Politician's corpse was borne away,
el cadáver del político era llevado,
cuerpo{m} (cadáver)
corpse(also: stiff)
tendido{m} [Mex.] [coll.] (cadáver)
Meanwhile, how is the corps of the European External Action Service being created?
Entretanto, ¿cómo se está creando el cuerpo del Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior?
That is what is meant by a corps of border guards, and we believe that it is possible.
Esto es lo que significa un cuerpo de guardias de frontera y creemos que es posible.
other authorities present, to the Diplomatic Corps and to all who have had a
como al Cuerpo Diplomático y a los que han ofrecido su valiosa cooperación

Synonyms (English) for "corpse":
Context examples for "corpse" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the ghoulish delight with which they came up to look at the corpse
la morbosidad con que se acercaron a ver el cadáver
In the second case, which occurred yesterday, another corpse was found a few miles out, away from the Maltese coast and was brought to land by the armed forces.
El Programa de La Haya, que debe alcanzar hasta 2010, es un programa ambicioso que nos conduce realmente a un política común en materia de asilo político e inmigración.