
"consecration" in Spanish

"consecration" in Spanish
Men and women Religious lived their consecration to the shedding of blood.
Religiosos y religiosas vivieron su consagración hasta el derramamiento de la sangre.
to their religious consecration, [religious] are above all free and can
misma consagración religiosa, los religiosos son ante todo libres y
power to call which comes from their participation in the consecration and
interpelar que procede de su participación en la consagración
desacralización{f} (de una iglesia)

Context examples for "consecration" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
sharers in his own consecration and mission, and their ministerial function
que son los Obispos, cuyo cargo ministerial, en grado subordinado, fué
Accompanied by Mary, the priest will be able to renew his consecration
Acompañado por María, el sacerdote sabrá renovar cada día
life, priestly vocations and special consecration. Only the priest who has daily experience of the "conversatio in coelis" and whose life
" El presbítero tiene la misión de promover el culto de la presencia eucarística, aún fuera de la celebración
consecration to the cause of the Gospel.
sacerdotal, religiosa o laical.
of consecration to the Lord.
consagrada al Señor.
the Consecration
la Consagración