
"con desdén" in English


Similar translations for "con desdén" in English
Context examples for "con desdén" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Perdió usted la Constitución y ahora trata con desdén a los votantes de Francia y de los Países Bajos.
You lost the Constitution and you are now treating the voters of France and Holland with contempt.
se aparta con desdén [de la verdad] para extraviar [a otros] del camino de Dios.
And yet amongst men are those who wrangles about Allah without knowledge, without guidance, and without a Book of Enlightenment;
Y luego sacrificaron cruelmente a la camella, desacatando con desdén el mandamiento de su Sustentador, y dijeron: “¡Salih!
Then they did hamstring the she-camel, and rebelled against the commandment of their Lord and said, "O Salih!
Por lo tanto, invito al Consejo a que las examine con mayor detención antes de descartarlas con desdén.
Consequently, before the Council waves them away with a flick of its somewhat disdainful hand, I invite it to take a closer look at them.
Predijo que la situación actual provocaría que los ciudadanos mirasen a la élite política con cinismo y desdén.
He predicted that the current situation will cause the citizens to regard the European political elite with cynicism and contempt.
y luego, cuando persistieron con desdén en aquello que se les había prohibido, les dijimos: “¡Convertíos en monos despreciables!
But when they rebelled against what they were forbidden, We said to them, "Become you as apes, despised and spurned!
trata a sus colegas con desdén
she's very disdainful toward her colleagues
odio el desdén con que nos trata
I hate the disdainful way he treats us
Parece haberse pasado por alto totalmente -o haberse tratado con desdén- la importancia de que existen comunidades pesqueras ribereñas viables.
The importance of viable coastal fishing communities seems to have been totally ignored or treated with disdain.
¡Y cuántas comunidades se apartaron con desdén del mandato de su Sustentador y de Sus enviados!
And how many a community rebelled against the commandment of its Lord and His Messengers, so We called it to account severely and We chastised it with a stern chastisement.
No es irrelevante para la seguridad que en estos momentos participemos en lo que algunos denominan con desdén asistencia social en Afganistán.
It is not irrelevant to security to engage at the moment in what some people rather sneeringly call social work in Afghanistan.
– Señor Presidente, España ha contemplado con desdén, con la mayor abstención de nuestra historia, el referéndum sobre la Constitución Europea.
Mr President, Spain treated the referendum on the European Constitution with disdain, with the lowest turnout in our history.
– Señor Presidente, España ha contemplado con desdén, con la mayor abstención de nuestra historia, el referéndum sobre la Constitución Europea.
Mr President, Spain treated the referendum on the European Constitution with disdain, with the lowest turnout in our history.
La promesa de participación en las negociaciones internacionales también consta en el acuerdo de 2005, y el Parlamento ha sido tratado con desdén.
The promise of involvement in international negotiations was also in the 2005 agreement, and Parliament has been treated with disdain.
Fuimos tratados con desdén en la comisión cuando el Consejo envió a un funcionario para que comunicara lo que, al fin y al cabo, es una recomendación política.
We were treated with disdain in committee when we were sent a civil servant to give what after all is a political recommendation.
Lo especialmente chocante hoy es la total impotencia de este Parlamento, junto con el desdén con el que le trata el Consejo y la Comisión.
What is particularly striking today is the sheer impotence of this Parliament, together with the contempt with which it is treated by the Council and the Commission.
Por el contrario, debemos centrarnos en crear un diálogo que nos brinde la oportunidad de exponer nuestra posición, sin tratar con desdén a la parte contraria.
Instead we should concentrate on creating a dialogue that would give us a chance to present our position while not treating the other party with disdain.
Probablemente tendríamos más posibilidades de que se produjera este resultado si el Consejo no hubiese tratado a la comisión temporal del Parlamento Europeo con tanto desdén.
Maybe there would be more of a chance of such an outcome if the Council did not treat the European Parliament's temporary committee with such disdain.
Hemos vuelto a ser tratados con desdén esta tarde, y no estamos dispuestos a aceptar un discurso sobre un debate al que el Consejo no ha tenido la cortesía de asistir.
We have been treated with contempt again this afternoon and what we will not put up with is some sort of lecture on a debate which the Council has not had the courtesy to listen to.
Incluso actualmente la minoría francófona numéricamente dominante trata con desdén la lengua y cultura neerlandesas, especialmente en la periferia flamenca alrededor de Bruselas.
Even today, the Dutch culture and language, particularly in the Flemish periphery around Brussels, is treated with disdain by the numerically dominant French-speaking minority.