
"complementary" in Spanish

"complementary" in Spanish
A complementary inquiry was carried out by three DirectorsGeneral.
Tres Directores Generales llevaron a cabo una investigación complementaria.
The proposed framework decision is merely a complementary decision to the directive.
La propuesta de una decisión marco es simplemente una decisión complementaria a la Directiva.
Thank you for this complementary question, which raises a point of general interest.
Gracias por esta pregunta complementaria, que plantea una cuestión de interés general.
The Commission's role can then be complementary after the initial phase.
El papel de la Comisión puede ser complementario después de la fase inicial.
That will be complementary to the Energy Council, which we will re-energise as well.
Será complementario al Consejo Transatlántico de la Energía, que también reactivaremos.
The complementary nature of this programme with regard to the ESF has also not been accepted.
Por lo demás, tampoco se ha aceptado el carácter complementario de ese programa con el FSE.
complementarios{adj. m pl}
The objectives of these programmes are different and often complementary.
Los objetivos de esos programas son diferentes y, a menudo, complementarios.
Few other complementary therapies have been subjected to proper scientific study.
Pocos tratamientos complementarios han sido sometidos a estudios científicos adecuados.
The subjects were similar and complementary, and that enabled us to exchange ideas.
Los temas era similares y complementarios y esto nos permitió intercambiar ideas.

Synonyms (English) for "complementary":
Context examples for "complementary" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I am an Irish citizen and, as a complementary adjunct to that, I am a European citizen.
Soy un ciudadano irlandés y, como complemento a esto, soy un ciudadano europeo.
This is where sports clubs can play a complementary, supporting role for schools.
Ahí es donde los centros deportivos pueden apoyar y complementar a los centros educativos.
But the vision has not always coincided; sometimes it has been complementary.
El Presidente del Consejo de la Unión, es decir, la ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, Sra.
The two partnerships are not in opposition to one another; they are complementary.
Ambas asociaciones no se oponen mutuamente, sino que se complementan.
We shall present these directives, which are mutually complementary, under
Propondremos las diversas disposiciones bajo tres puntos de vista que se
Europe's economic policy will be inevitably complementary to monetary union.
La política económica de Europa será, inevitablemente, un complemento a la Unión monetaria.
The EU has a complementary role, and that is why Mrs Lalumière's report is so commendable.
La UE complementa esto y por eso resulta tan bueno el informe Lalumière.
The EU has a complementary role, and that is why Mrs Lalumière' s report is so commendable.
La UE complementa esto y por eso resulta tan bueno el informe Lalumière.
The Tindemans and Titley reports are therefore linked and complementary.
Por lo tanto, el informe Tindemans y el informe Titley están relacionados y se complementan.
permanent Diaconate in their territories and have drawn up complementary
de la Santa Sede, a la restauración del diaconado permanente en sus
The Union must take advantage of the complementary nature of its internal and external policies.
La Unión debe explotar la complementariedad entres sus políticas interior y exterior.
Alternative and complementary solutions are not to be ruled out and are also being analysed.
Por supuesto, me resulta imposible darle hoy la garantía que solicita.
These two policies are not contradictory, in fact quite the opposite is true; they are complementary.
Las consideraciones medioambientales no representan limitaciones u obstáculos.
In this great field of complementary activity, whether considering the
Dentro de esta vasta área de concorde trabajo, sea especificamente
This approach must remain complementary to and distinct from the other policies targeting SMEs and industry.
En Europa, dos terceras partes de la mano de obra están empleadas por las PYME.
The Union shall have competence to carry out supporting, coordinating or complementary action.
La Unión dispondrá de competencia para llevar a cabo acciones de apoyo, coordinación o complemento.
The European budget is not complementary to national budgets; it competes with and raids them.
El presupuesto europeo no complementa a los presupuestos nacionales; rivaliza con ellos y los ataca.
They are about justice, and damages actions are complementary to this law enforcement.
Hablan de justicia, y las acciones de daños y perjuicios complementan este mecanismo de ejecución del Derecho.
It is regional and the neighbourhood policy is the bilateral, complementary part of it, so the two work together.
Todavía estoy esperando una respuesta positiva de las autoridades belarusas.
Promoting our differences is all well and good, but making them mutually complementary is even better.
Promover nuestras diferencias está muy bien, pero complementarlas mutuamente está todavía mejor.