
"camarilla" in English

"camarilla" in English
El Consejo ni siquiera está dispuesto a denegar a esta camarilla visados de entrada.
You, the Council, are not even prepared to deny this clique entry visas.
Cuando un puñado de Ministros de Interior europeos toman decisiones a modo de camarilla, tratan con desprecio a la democracia europea.
When a handful of European interior ministers take decisions as a clique, they treat European democracy with contempt.
Una camarilla que se autodenominaba socialista pero que tan sólo pudo mantenerse en el poder durante más de diez años haciendo uso de métodos fascistas.
A clique which referred to itself as socialist, but managed to stay in power for more than ten years by using fascist methods alone.
in-group{noun} [coll.]

Context examples for "camarilla" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cuando un puñado de Ministros de Interior europeos toman decisiones a modo de camarilla, tratan con desprecio a la democracia europea.
My second wish is that we should all play by the same rules – rules that we have made for ourselves.
el presidente y su camarilla
the President and his cronies
Suplico a la Unión Africana y a los países africanos que usen todos los recursos que tienen a su disposición para persuadir a Mugabe y a su camarilla de que se retiren.
This means not just the renewal of the EU's targeted sanctions when they expire on 18 February, but also the introduction of tough new measures.
Por lo tanto, el Tratado de Lisboa es nulo, a pesar de cualquier sistema que la camarilla de gobernantes euroglobalistas desee imponer al pueblo europeo.
The Lisbon Treaty is therefore void, despite all the schemes that it would seek to impose on the European people, the will of the ruling euro-globalist camarilla.
Resulta preocupante constatar que el informe parece que pretende bloquear el derecho de libre expresión y monopolizar las finanzas, en favor de una pequeña camarilla de estados mayores federalistas.
It is disturbing to note that the report seems keen to confine the right of expression to a small inner circle of federalists, who would monopolize the funding.
En segundo lugar, de una forma políticamente contraproducente, se hace responsable a todo el pueblo yugoslavo de Milosevic y su camarilla, violándose así los derechos humanos.
Secondly, the entire population of Yugoslavia is being held accountable for the actions of Milosevic and his circle, which is wrong on humanitarian grounds and politically counterproductive.