
"bíblica" in English

"bíblica" in English
bíblica{adjective feminine}
bíblica{adjective feminine}
Por esto la figura bíblica de la comunidad de Corinto presenta los
Therefore the biblical figure of the community of Corinth presents the gifts
La administración bíblica es por tanto para mí un dato fundamental.
The Biblical concept of custodianship is therefore a central factor for me.
Es la perspectiva bíblica de los 'nuevos cielos y nueva tierra' (cf.
This is the biblical perspective of the new heavens and a new earth (cf.

Context examples for "bíblica" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hay que hacer esto, teniendo siempre presente la vocación bíblica
concerns the process of production: in this process labour is always a primary efficient
-significada en la expresión bíblica "una sola carne"-,no
explained only by recourse to the values of the 'person' and of 'gift'.
Por otro lado, recuerdo una frase bíblica: "Id y predicad".
A phrase from the Bible comes to mind, namely ‘go forth and preach’.
Trece años después de la catástrofe bíblica de Chernóbil, desgraciadamente, la historia se repite como una pesadilla.
Thirteen years after the great Chernobyl disaster, this nightmarish history seems to be repeating itself.
Permítanme parodiar una conocida cita bíblica: como tratamos a nuestros niños, dice cómo somos, humanos o inhumanos.
It is a well known teaching from the Bible that the way we treat our little ones tells us what we are: humane or inhumane.
A nosotros, los seres humanos, se nos ha encomendado la tarea, incluso bíblica, de dominar la Tierra.
Mr Sjöstedt succeeded in never losing sight of the goal, whilst clearly recognising when the time had come for closure and ultimately also for final compromises.
El siguiente método no lo quiero describir muy exactamente pues se describe con una cita bíblica y en la Biblia se dicen también muchas cosas positivas.
I do not want to describe the next method more exactly, as it is described by a word from the Bible, and there are also many good things in the Bible.