
"breaker" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "breaker":
Context examples for "breaker" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Commission should therefore act as an ice-breaker.
Por consiguiente, la Comisión debe actuar como un rompehielos.
Clearly, the division of responsibilities that results from subsidiarity assigns the role of strike-breaker to the Member States.
Evidentemente, la distribución de competencias derivada de la famosa subsidiaridad otorga el papel de esquirol a los Estados miembros.
I also have a tie-breaker question. Is the Commissioner personally in favour of continuing the work of the Joint Research Centre in the best possible circumstances?
Una pregunta más: ¿Es partidario personalmente del mantenimiento en muy buenas condiciones de funcionamiento del CCR?
breaker's yard
cementerio de automóviles
This last winter dozens of ships were cast adrift by ice, there being no help available from an ice breaker - ships on their way to Russia.
El pasado invierno, docenas de barcos se vieron empujados por el hielo a la deriva, ante la ausencia de rompehielos disponibles; eran barcos que se dirigían a Rusia.