
"beneficiaria" in English

"beneficiaria" in English
Desde un punto de vista económico, ya sabemos que la Unión Europea es la gran beneficiaria de estos acuerdos.
From an economic standpoint, we already know that it is the European Union which is the major beneficiary of these agreements.
Gales es beneficiaria de la financiación del Objetivo 1 y probablemente ha pasado por experiencias muy similares a las de otras zonas de Europa.
Wales is a beneficiary of Objective I funding and has probably had a very similar experience to other areas of Europe.
Como beneficiaria igualmente de la PAC, Rumanía recibirá este año 735 millones de euros de ayudas directas europeas destinadas a los agricultores rumanos.
A beneficiary of the CAP as well, Romania will receive this year EUR 735 million in European direct aid for Romanian farmers.

Context examples for "beneficiaria" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Simplemente que eso sería un acuerdo que beneficiaría solo a algunos armadores.
Simply that it would be an agreement which would only benefit certain shipowners.
Creo que la mayoría estará de acuerdo en que nos beneficiaría a nosotros y a ellos.
I think most people would agree that it would benefit us and it would benefit them.
Se aplicará el plan económico de la empresa beneficiaria Vítkovice Steel.
The business plan for the benefiting company Vítkovice Steel shall be implemented.
Eso beneficiaría a las grandes empresas que se han deslocalizado a Brasil.
Such a move would only benefit the large companies that have relocated to Brazil.
Eso beneficiaría en gran medida a todos los ciudadanos de los nuevos Estados miembros.
This would be in the vital interests of all the citizens of the new Member States.
Una campaña coordinada beneficiaría sin duda alguna a nuestros niños de toda Europa.
A coordinated campaign would surely benefit our children all across Europe.
No incluirlos en los costes de producción no beneficiaría en nada a las empresas serias.
Not including them in production costs would benefit the less than serious players.
La Unión se beneficiaría mucho de la creación de un espacio ético común.
Our Union would benefit greatly from the creation of a common ethical space.
De lo contrario, las cumbres carecerán de contenido, lo cual no beneficiaría a nadie.
Otherwise, we will have summits with no real content, and that would not be good either.
Su éxito beneficiaría al conjunto de Europa y no solo a los países afectados.
That would benefit Europe as whole, not only the countries concerned.
Convengo con el ponente en que la situación se beneficiaría de una mayor armonización.
I agree with the rapporteur that the situation would benefit from greater harmonisation.
En numerosos ámbitos, algo de competencia beneficiaría al interés público.
There are many areas in which a little more competition would be in the public interest.
La sociedad se beneficiaría significativamente si evitara los gastos asociados a las emisiones.
Society would benefit significantly by avoiding these costs linked to emissions.
Esto combinaría ambos requisitos y beneficiaría a todos los sistemas del país.
This would bring both requirements together and the entire system of the country would benefit.
Esto significa claramente que el acuerdo beneficiaría 10 veces más a la India que a Europa.
That clearly means it would help India 10 times more than it would Europe.
Sin objetivo 2, Irlanda del Norte no podrá ser beneficiaria.
If there is no Objective 2, there will be no qualification for Northern Ireland.
Nadie se beneficiaría de ello y mucho menos los defensores de los derechos humanos en China.
No one would benefit from this, least of all the supporters of human rights within China.
Esto no solo beneficiaría al clima, también reduciría los accidentes de tráfico.
This would not only be good for the climate; it would also reduce the number of road traffic accidents.
Esto beneficiaría tanto a mayores como a jóvenes, estudiantes y trabajadores.
This would benefit both old and young, students and workers.
(Aplausos) En numerosos ámbitos, algo de competencia beneficiaría al interés público.
(Applause) There are many areas in which a little more competition would be in the public interest.